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Directions to Riols by car from Utrecht (1300 km)
- Autoroute soleil
- Via the highway it is from Utrecht: Breda (A1) – Antwerp (E19) – Brussels (A4).
- or : Eindhoven (A2) – Maastricht (A2) – Liège (Liege) (E25).
- Then for both routes: Luxembourg (E25) – Metz (A31) – Nancy-Dijon (A6) to Lyon.
- Then the A6 which changes into the A7 towards Orange (Autoroute du Soleil).
- Then direction: Nîmes, Montpellier, Toulouse, Barcelona (A9 – La Languedocienne).
- After Béziers exit 'Béziers-Ouest'; exit: No.36 (Castres, Mazamet, St.-Pons).
- Then drive 5 km on the D64, then 45 km on the D612 in the direction of Saint-Pons.
- About 1 km before St. Pons, turn right towards Bédarieux, Riols via D908.
- After about 3 km you will arrive in Riols. You follow the main road until you are almost out of the village.
- On the left side of the main road, about 50 meters after the church, 'La Cerisaie' is on the left.
- Autoroute A75 Paris
- Via the highway from Utrecht it is: Breda (A2 – A27) – Antwerp (E19) – Brussels (A4) – Paris (A1)
- After Paris: highway A10 towards Orléans then the A71 towards Clermont-Ferrand.
- From here you follow the A75 towards Montpellier. You pass the bridge of Millau.
- Then take the exit 'Clermont-l'Herault' and follow it towards Bedarieux (D908).
- After Bedarieux, keep following this road number towards St.-Pons.
- In Riols 'La Cerisaie' is located at the beginning of the village on the right, about 50 meters before the church (left).
- N 43°30'25
- E 02°47'36
From the Netherlands you can board the TGV in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Most connections from the Netherlands require a transfer in Brussels or Paris. Various connections are possible, but it is already possible to travel from Amsterdam to Beziers in eight hours and forty-five minutes, for just over €100 one way.
All current information can be found at www.nsinternational.com
In 2023 Ryanair will fly from Dusseldorf/Weeze to Béziers (1 hour drive). All information can be found at www.ryanair.com
KLM flies several times a day to both Toulouse and Montpellier (just under two hours' drive from Riols). You can rent a car at the airports. See www.klm.nl for further information.
Local bus
With bus 654 you can reach the 'Martinet' bus stop in an hour, a 3-minute drive from La Cerisaie, where we can pick you up. Look here for the departure and arrival times of bus 654.
From Montpellier, bus 663 goes to Saint Pons - de Thomieres, and this bus stops in Riols.
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